Futuring Emons
On behalf of the entire company, I’m happy and proud to invite you, our highly valued relation, to the event of the year! It is time for celebration, time to remember these 80 years of achievements, and, most of all: it is time to look to the future together!
The achievements and success of a company are not only based on its own organization. Clients, stakeholders and business partners must take part in our future plans and goals.
‘Futuring Emons‘ is an opportunity for reflecting on how we want to shape the future of our company and share our vision with you all.
Together, we will endulge ourselves into topics such as the energy transition, digitasation and sustainability. It will be presented by, among others, figures of the stature of Jan Peter Balkenende, the former Dutch prime minister, and Robert Doornbos, former Formula One racing driver for the Red Bull team.
Without losing sight of the past, because our roots are the foundation on which these 80 years of success have been built, we are more than ready to step into the future and cover new, alternative routes.
A day of fun, inspiration, interesting talks, outstanding keynote speakers and useful and pleasant networking. Because ‘making connections’ is what we love!
I sincerely hope to meet you on the 15th of September, to celebrate this milestone together.
Daan Emons, CEO Emons Group
11:30 – Lunch (light and informal)
12.30 – Kick off program
13:00 – Keynote on sustainability
13:45 – Break-out sessions on energy transition
15:10 – Keynote by Robert Doornbos
16:00 – Break-out sessions on digitalisation
17:25 – Keynote by Jan Peter Balkenende
18:20 – Networking drinks
19:30 – Walking dinner
Of course we celebrate our anniversary at the greenest event venue in the Netherlands; at the Inspyrium. This location is to be found at Beerseweg 45, 5431 LB, Cuijk
(website is in Dutch)
If you want to spend the night or, why not, the weekend in this beautiful Dutch region, we can advise some hotels.
As we pride ourselves on our efficiency, we already agreed with the Asteria Hotel to keep some rooms available for our visitors coming from abroad.
For more information, please reach out to your contact at the Emons Group, Emons Cargo | 2WIN, Van Huët or Hofmans, or send an e-mail to the Emons Event Team: events@emons.eu.
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We are very happy to welcome you at the Inspyrium, on September 15th!